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Accreditation Certificate for CITMER Medicina Reproductiva


Accreditation by the American College of Embryology (EMBCOL) signifies that the procedures in this Embryological Facility have been approved by a Board Certified Embryologist (EMB), who has demonstrated excellence in the art of Embryology by meeting or exceeding the standards established by EMBCOL.

This certificate has been issued to the following Embryology facility:

CITMER Medicina Reproductiva

CDMX: Blvd. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 233-Piso 3, Granada, Miguel Hidalgo, 11520

Puebla: Torre JV Juárez, Av. Juarez 2925-Piso 13, La Paz, 72160

Monterrey: De La Clínica No. 2520, Piso PB M-4 y M-5, Sertoma, 64718


This Embryology Facility has been accredited by virtue of an affidavit submitted by:


Dmitri Dozortsev, MD, PhD, HCLD, EMB


Initial accreditation: February 2, 2022

Accreditation status: CURRENT