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First embryology practitioners have been certified by American College of Embryology

Dear Embryology Practitioners, 


Dr. Christopher De Jonge became the first Embryologist (EMB) certified by the College. 
It is my honor to announce that the first group of Embryology practitioners has been certified by the American College of Embryology.
Click the "CERTIFIED PRACTITIONERS" menu tab to view the up-to-date list.
All certified embryology practitioners, in addition to a professional certificate, are entitled to display the College logo on their practice's web site, that links to a personalized certification verification page.    
Click on the image to see an example:

Please remember that during a limited time window, many of you can take advantage of an abbreviated method to obtain certification without taking a comprehensive examination and skills testing, if you meet the following requirements: 

1. Board Certification by the American Board of Bioanalysts (ABB)
2. Have performed a minimum of 50 relevant procedures in a program that, during at least 1 of the last 3 years of published SART data (2006-2008) was ranked in the top 25% based on outcomes for patients under 35 years of age.

To rank in the top 25%, the following live-birth rates (per transfer) must have been reported:

                2006 - 48% or greater
                2007 - 50% or greater
                2008 - 51% or greater


If you have been certified by ABB, but would not qualify for a skills testing waver, you will only need to pass the skills examination. Currently the College is setup to offer the skills examination in ICSI (embryo biopsy in the final stages of development). For the practical part of the examination you need to schedule the appointment here. The theoretical part of the examination will be administered online. The dates will be announced by Education Committee in the near future.  

Following the grandfathering period, the skills examination can only be waived for those who have received their training in a program designated by the College for Embryology Residency.  


Please join the American College of Embryology! 


Executive Administrator